The Psychology of Purpose

Reviewing six decades of research into the meaning, development, and benefits of purpose in life Modern scientific research on human purpose has its origins in, of all places, a Holocaust survivor’s experiences in a series of Nazi concentration camps. While a prisoner at Theresienstadt, Auschwitz and two satellite camps of Dachau, Viennese psychologist Viktor Frankl noticed that... Read more

Allow things to unfold and you will find your purpose in life | Peggy Oki | TEDxQueenstown

With an appreciation of flow and motion Peggy's life has been always been driven by passion. From surfing and skateboarding to the intimate appreciation what she calls the 'Cetacean Nation'. Discovering the transformative force of participation artwork through her Origami Whales project was the first step to realising that passion could be harnessed, amplified and... Read more